Book Review: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It’s funny how the right book comes along just when you need it most. This was one of those books. While reading it, I had the kind of thoughts that went “this is the best book I’ve ever read!” It probably isn’t but it did give me a whole new perspective on the one thing in my life that really troubles me: regret. It seems awfully simplistic to say this book rescued me but, well, frankly, what can I say. It did just that. It made me realise how bloody stupid regrets are, how time-wasting, how pointless. It also brought back an old adage that my mother used to repeat to me rather a lot: don’t regret yesterday, life is in you today, and you make your own tomorrow. Yes, I know, this all sounds very preachy and worthy, but the book just isn’t like that. It’s a brilliant concept. I love the idea of the midnight library. I love the idea of being able to see that your choices weren’t disastrous, that your life isn’t actually a failure. It was quite obvious from the beginning what the outcome of this book would be, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the book for what it was: a slight tale with a huge message. If I had to change one thing, I’d make the protagonist quite a lot older. Regrets at 35 can be easily overcome as you have more of a chance to change your life if you want to. Much harder when you’re pushing 60 and don’t have the energy to do anything except change your mind.

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About Susannah J. Bell

I am a writer of science fiction and other strange and surreal works.
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